Workers Comp Billing
Are you in need of help with Workers Comp and No Fault Billing?
So many Medical Provider’s don’t want to deal with Workers Comp and No Fault Billing. At MPM, we understand those concerns, we created a program/system that works for All Workers Comp and NO Fault Billing in any State using our clearinghouse. Majority of claim’s get paid in days to weeks!
Metropolitan Practice Management Inc.
(MPM Inc.), a Medical Billing service company since 1996, has developed a unique program and proven system to bill Workers’ Comp and No-Fault claims to insurance companies that will decrease denials and improve timely payments. Workers’ Comp and No-Fault collections can seem like a stress induced migraine for medical providers. Between special terminologies and legal obstacles, many medical practices don’t have the resources or know how to properly bill Workers’ Comp and No- Fault medical claims.
See our Results!
NJ State Bill S-2137 Electronic bills for Automobile Insurance Claims takes effective September 1, 2019
In New Jersey, for example, NJ State Bill S-2137 Automobile Insurance Claimsnew legislation requiring this change was enacted: NJ State Bill S-2137 requires electronic submission of automobile insurance claims between healthcare providers and insurance companies or their third-party administrators (TPAs).
Under this newly enacted legislation, it’s mandatory that all automobile insurance carriers, TPAs and medical management companies that receive auto-related medical bills from healthcare providers accept and process the bills electronically. Moreover, it requires all healthcare providers and hospitals that submit over 25 auto-related medical bills per month to now provide electronic bills for payment on standardized forms compliant with guidelines.

N.J. Workers’ Compensation EDI Law
Additionally, the N.J. Workers’ Compensation EDI Law (Senate P.L. 2016 C64) requiring employers, workers’ comp insurance carriers of employers or workers’ comp TPAs to accept electronic medical bills submitted for the payment of medical services was approved on May 21, 2018, and allows for an 18-month adoption period.
MPM, Inc Clearinghouse provides providers/medical offices to bill Automobile Claims and Workers Comp claims electronically while attaching the necessary images/notes to have claims processed correctly. States like NJ and NY that requires claims to be sent electronically for automobile or workers comp claims, we have a solution for you! More importantly, all claims sent out has a unique tracking system to prevent timely denials.
Most Common Denials for Workers’ Comp and No-Fault Claims.
- When the injury is not reported in a timely manner.
- Workers Comp Medical Billing Forms are not completed the right way.
- The medical information and accident report are not included.
- Medical claims not submitted within filing time requirements.
- Unable to prove claim submissions if denied for late filing.
Benefits of Timely Submissions
- Improve collections and revenue
- Reduce Timely filing rejections.
- Receive faster payments with all claims submitted electronically.
- Receive Denials notification’s quicker while patients are currently being seen to help address insurance denials (Example Negative IMEs, Failure to attend Medical Examinations or incorrect policy/carrier case numbers)
MPM Inc. will work with your office to setup the correct fee schedules for the medical provider’s location. MPM Inc. not only understands not only the medical billing side of the workers compensation process but we have a firm grasp on the operational workflows necessary to comply with all of the regulations.
If you need help with your Workers’ Comp Billing or No-Fault Billing, Don’t lose any more money; reach out to the Billing experts!

How MPM Inc. Can Benefit You!
MPM Inc. has developed a program and process that will help eliminated all of those denials! MPM Inc. submits all Workers’ Comp\No-Fault claims to go electronically with either electronic tracking system or a US Postal tracking number to prove the timely submission of all claims. This system submits Workers’ Comp claims on WC C4 forms for NY or CMS HFCA 1500 and No-Fault claims on CMS HFCA 1500 forms with all the necessary medical notes needed to process the claims for payment.
Process of Sending our Claims
With our MPM Inc. Program, once the medical provider signs the note and creates the claim in our EHR software the claim is then uploaded into our Workers’ Comp/No Fault claims processing program. The created claims are submitted to the Workers’ Comp Board, Workers’ Comp Insurance Companies and No-Fault Insurance companies within 7 to 10 days of the claim submission date. This is correct, 90-95%% of all our claims are received within this 7 to 10 days with an accepted status
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(973) 256-1998